Final Exhibition Reflection

Final Exhibition Reflection

Samarbir Singh


This is my final exhibition reflection as our Exhibit is now officially over. Phew! The last few weeks have end really tense. We were getting the last minute things done such as printing making stuff. The unbelievable thing is that we made bookmarks in two minutes by printing them out and cutting them. Just a reminder My topic was ‘Genetic Modifications’.


Exhibition has been really fun. I have enjoyed the experience of timing things out or planning out when to do what. Exhibition has also been very hard as sometimes we would have to keep on doing a certain task until we perfected it. It was also very frustrating when the teachers announced  you had to finish the task and you hadn’t even started, or when you took so long to do something and one of your group members or teachers say that you don’t need it or it isn’t necessary.


I have learnt lots of things from exhibition. I have learnt how to expand my characteristics such as thinking of things two ways, I have also learnt how to reflect on my ideas like ‘will it help with my task’ and being open-minded was in the past I have always been thinking that my ways are right but I have learnt to accept and respect other people’s opinion and have adapted to that. I chose this topic as my past knowledge of my topic was pretty narrow but I have expanded my knowledge by learning how different aspects of Genetic Engineering all connected.


I did good in my talking especially with adults as at the ‘Exhibition Evening’ I was able to answer most questions people asked. I was a little disappointed with the day when we explained our topic as most little children don’t know about basic info such as genes, DNA so that’s why I didn’t have much people coming to my stall. My strongest point which I reckon was that on exhibition night I was able to hold my customers in so they don’t get drifted away or lose interest. The most challenging customer was a person from ‘St John’s School’ who was firing questions at me. I am proud of the way I have presented my work and of my research.


I feel that my issue isn’t known about around the world that much. So writing letters to important people for my action was good thing as I was raising awareness to the ministers. I am also raising awareness by teaching students about respecting, treating and learning about organic gardens. So they can raise awareness about limiting the amount of genetic modifications our society uses.


Thank you for in tuning about how my exhibition is going this year. It has been a lovely experience sharing my knowledge with you. If you have any questions about genetic modifications just write it in the comments section and I will hopefully be able to get to you very soon.


Thank You in anticipation,


100WC T3 W10

This is my 100 Word Challenge along with the prompt we also had to relate it to our Exhibition topic:

I watched in trepidation as the needle was stabbed into the burger. He was now Genetically Modified part of the GM crew. My friend gone, desperate for help. He didn’t want to go. Now wrapped in snake like hands of a hairy monkey. I had warned him. I had told the burger to run away but he hadn’t and now. That greedy human eating greedily only focusing on his over-weight obese stomach. I could hear his final words, “goodbye world” echoing out of his mouth. He had told me yesterday to tell his beloved yellow bicycle that he had loved her. A blink and he was gone, just crumbs, just crumbs.

Exhibition Reflection T3W10

This week in exhibition we were given a checklist on all the things that we had to complete. So for the week we had been focusing on finishing the checklist. In the checklist we also had to write a poem about our topic this is mine:

Designer Babies

Life gets faster everyday,
No time to think no time to visit the café
Hurry chaos lots of stress
Tension leads to sleepless rest
Design a baby
And just maybe
Children laughing
Never Farting
No fault in sight
At least they don’t fight
And last to finish the flight
They make mistakes and learn how
So they can make their parents proud

Tell me what you think about it in the comments section. I have also completed all my information texts this week and have worked on minimising the words in my text. This was really hard because I didn’t want to take out any important information. As this is our last week at school for the term I will be working at home on finishing my Art poster on my topic and practising my public speaking and remembering key information when people ask questions at the exhibition.



Exhibition Reflection T3W9


This week we have almost finished our Making Conclusion. In this process we have summed up our information and have created a information report. We have also had lots of outer class exhibition work such as dancing 🕺 about our topic in P.E and making videos on our topic in Media Arts. In media arts 🎭 we have looked at Voiceover, Images and Text. I have completed 2 information reports out of 3. My exhibition is going well. We are almost about to start out Taking Action our last [art of the inquiry Cycle in our Exhibition.

Until next time,


Exhibition Reflection T3W7

Sorting Out and Going Further is over. We are about to enter the phase of ‘Making Conclusion’ in our Inquiry Cycle. It has been quite stressful over the past week as we have had to rush to complete or Finding Out, Sorting Out and Going Further.

Finding Out:
Monday was our deadline to have completed our Finding Out. I rushed o complete my Finding Out and finish all my questions and my Lines of Inquiry. For us to research all of our Questions we had to look at Primary Sources such as Parents my Secondary sources were websites, videos and other things.

Sorting Out:
In the sorting out phase we had to look at our work and see if we have to research more or if we have completed all of our work, coming under this phase is also the process of making sure if all of our information matched with our questions and Lines of Inquiry.

Going Further:
In going further we had to basically research all the things that we hadn’t researched or we looked at extra information. This’s was an easy process for me as I had researched all my information but I got some extra important facts.

Thank You for looking.
Keep on tuning in!

Exhibition Reflection T3W6

This week in Exhibition. I have recently been taking some notes and have been coming up with answers for or Lines of Inquiry. We have also been referencing the sights we have used. We have learnt to get information of ABC Splash, Newsela, World Book Online and BTN. I have just finished my 1st Line of Inquiry and have one more to go.

Thank you

Exhibition Reflection T3W5

We have now finished our tuning in phase of our Exhibition! That is why you will read lots of stuff that I have already said.

Lines of Inquiry:

Making my Lines of Inquiry was an easy process but when the teacher and the my mentor teacher saw it they told me to eliminate some. Matching the Lines of Inquiry was really hard, so the teacher supported me. In the end I got it. These are my Lines of Inquiry:

1) An inquiry into the fundamentals of Genetic Modifications such as basic information about DNA, genes, genetic code, cloning and genetic mutations etc.

2) An inquiry into the future implications of Genetic Modifications.


1) An inquiry into the changes in the natural world and how they risk our health and wellbeing.

Central Idea:

Choosing my Central Idea was very tough. I used lots of time at home to create one but in the end even that wasn’t the one that we chose.

Our original one was Innovate, Act and Evolve.

But we changed it to Technological advancements impact the way we live. Our Central Idea challenges the world asking and challenging their knowledge.

Lotus diagram:

In the lotus diagram we had to sum up our questions and sort them into key concepts. I liked making up and writing questions down as I new this was the base of my research, so the more question the answers.

Thank You

Exhibition Reflection T3W4

In week 4 we focused on getting our questions written down on the lotus diagram, we focused on matching our questions with some key concepts. We helped each other(group members) to produce good quality and deep questions. Mr Huebl told us that we don’t want to have questions that, you can find the answer straight away from. He said he wanted us to have questions that required its of research. We also developed our Lines of Inquiry, I had already written them down before so me and my group focused on getting our group Line of Inquiry written down.

I’ll keep up on the updates

Year 5 PYP Exhibition

At St Andrew’s we are doing a Year 5 PYP Exhibition which is a long term collaborative inquiry on a global issue in which we are interested in, we are also doing a PYP Exhibition to celebrate our PYP journey. I have chosen the topic Genetic Modifications. I chose this because I am interested in different ideas that can affect our living and can take the global perspective. This topic also took my eye because I have already had experience with this topic. For this Exhibition we had to pick a Transdisciplinary Theme that best matched our Global Issue, I chose ‘How the World Works’ because it best matched my topic. We also had to choose a Central Idea but I haven’t completed it yet, we learned that to create a Central Idea we had to match to concepts and make a Central Idea. Overall, so far I am happy with my project and am enjoying.
